Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine flu, Circus and lack of bread

Seems like the Swine flu is becoming a pandemia and Mexico is resposible of this!!, yes according with the media. You know the major radio broadcasting are parte of a duopolio with just a few exceptions, Televisa and Radio Centro and TV broadcasting is part the Duopolio, Televisa TV Azteca, the same that allowed to FeCal (Felipe Calderon) arise to the presidency after an electoral fraud? in Mexico the people with flu dies, while in other countries not.

Now, the people have to watch the foot-ball in their homes and ask food just to go, because all the restaurants are closed or imposed to close.

Now the people cannot gather or meet with others to "conspirate" against the bad government to protect their selves of this maladie?.

Now, nobody believes in the "institutions", even nor the health public ministry, why?, should be because the starrings in the government have treated the population with lies
But I ask to myself, why in USA when the control is usually "more rigorous" and where the disease was firstly detected, this measurements are not exagerated?. Maybe is because in Mexico partial federal elections will be done in July?. Why, now when 25 people has died (in the meanwhile 4000 person die of pollution in Mexico City anually), the swine flu is a pandemia considered very dangerous with lot of gainings for Roche (since Fecal said that no public licitations will be done to give the right for the use of the drugs?). Or will be because more than 45% of the live with just 2 USD daily?.

Why, now when a few days before, April 21 when the legislators decided to ask for the public accounts of the money spent by Fox obtained from the big oil reserves sales and nobody knows if this comission will reevaluate the case of this steal to the nation?. Would be that Fecal will be paying to Fox the price to let him arise to the presidence and is taking advantage of this situation creating a environment not just of fogscreen, even of fear.

Will be because in some days will be the remembering the deaths of Atenco in hands of the Federal police, ordered by Fox against the population of this place that took defense of their land against the building of the airport?. Why the H1N1 strain is more dangerous that thousands of death people in the last months due the ineficacy of Fecal to control to their own corrupt members of the government like García Luna, remarkable member of the narcotraffic. Should be that why the swine flu is more killer. Will be this the case why there is more flu, Circus and lack of bread.


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